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Industrial products are seeing a diversification of packaging. Engineers, Marketing Professionals, and Product Designers are continuously creating innovative packaging to deliver their products more cost-effectively while maintaining product integrity. Companies are also adding features such as easy-open perforations, tear strips, and tape carry handles onto the packaging. Polypack has over 60 years of experience providing both primary and secondary packaging for retail and distribution purposes.

Polypack provides industrial product packaging with shrink wrap and cardboard packaging equipment for all types of industrial products including:

Industrial Product Packaging Options


Label Orientation


Printed FIlm

Tray Loading
& Forming




Long, Rectangular Products



paint cans




Tray Loading/Forming

Trays offer pack support and help keep the rows of the product aligned.  Cardboard tray and shrink packs represent up to 50% in cost savings when compared to traditional RSCs. Polypack offers tray loader former machines, as well as tray wrapping equipment. Our tray loader formers and shrink wrappers can be combined into an all-in-one system to create packs that are both distribution and retail-ready.


Printed FIlm

Printed film is the perfect solution for retail packaging. Printed film provides a large, continuous surface on which to place product imagery and branding—eliminating the concern about individual products' orientation. High quality printed shrink film also offers significant cost savings when compared to traditional packaging such as RSCs. Printed film retail packs offer increased shelf appeal when compared to clear film wrapped products. We offer printed film wrappers for both total closure and bullseye wraps.

Long, Rectangular Products

Polypack's total closure machines can be built for long rectangular products such as these interior doors. Total closure shrink offers maximum protection against dust, dirt and humidity, ensuring product integrity throughout the entire distribution channel.



Pads are used to prevent products from chiming or cutting through the shrink film during stacking and palletizing. Polypack offers pad feeding modules on several different machine types. We can also provide pad-support combined with printed film to create a retail ready pack that can easily stand up to the distribution channel's rigors.


paint cans

Paint cans of various sizes can be shrink wrapped in multiple configurations. Polypack's shrink wrappers are available with shrink tunnel evacuation features, making them ideal for flammable products.

Rolls & Textiles

Polypack offers shrink packaging equipment for long rolls of paper. These machines can wrap products of any length in total closure shrink film without producing any scrap material.


Label Orientation

Polypack's label orientation system uses an electronic eye and a motorized wheel to rotate products to a specific point.  Products are rotated according to their label so that the labels are all facing in the same direction, giving products their maximum shelf appeal. Polypack's label orientation system can be integrated with a new shrink wrapper's infeed or retrofit onto an existing one. We also offer label orientation systems as stand-alone units.



One of Polypack's more basic offerings is a simple inline shrink wrap machine that uses belt-to-belt transfers. These machines provide a bullseye/sleeve wrap to any product with a length of 4 inches or longer. As a result, these machines are capable of wrapping a wide range of products and can be used for many different applications.

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